An Independent Patient Advocate is a professional whose allegiance is to YOU. We can work with you through every step of your healthcare journey. We use our knowledge, skills, experience and resources to help you navigate the healthcare system. We are here to offer support and guidance, education, research and resources to empower you to make your own informed healthcare decisions. While we may be by your side to help you prepare for medical appointments and even attend them with you, we do not replace any of your healthcare providers. We will not provide any medical care or medical advice. With a Voice For You Patient Advocacy by your side, we help to ensure that your voice will be heard for your health, your safety and your rights. Check out our About Us page!
Will my insurance cover services by a Patient Advocate?
Currently, independent patient advocacy services are not covered or reimbursed by Medicare, Medicaid or other health insurance benefits. All services are paid for "out of pocket" by the client or responsible party, based on terms within their signed agreement. This is what allows us to have an allegiance to you and why we can be there for you at each step of your journey.
How much does it cost to hire an Independent patient Advocate?
We offer a free initial 20 minute phone call to briefly discuss your needs. If we both agree to proceed, we would plan a more in-depth consultation for a flat fee, to gather more details, discuss your goals, and to develop an individualized action plan. Once completed, you will have the action plan summary along with estimate for our services, to help you achieve your goals. See more about how we work!
What is not included in patient advocacy services?
We cannot and will not provide legal, medical, or financial advice.
how ARE your SERVICes provided? Where are your services provided?
Our services can be provided in person, by phone or through video conferencing based on our clients preferences and location. We are located in the Madison area of South Central Wisconsin. In-person services are only available to those who reside in that area.
Will my privacy be protected?
Yes! A Voice For You Patient Advocacy follows HIPAA guidelines to protect your privacy and health information. Your privacy and trust is our top priority.